Parishioner information

Welcome to The Annunciation Information Hub!


Be He in the Tabernacle or exposed in the monstrous, come and adore our Lord and Savior! Jesus is always there waiting for us to spend time with Him.


As a community, we can lend our time, talent, and experience to help the parish and our fellow parishioners. Enabling all of us to help our neighbor as Jesus has called us to do.


As a parish, we need to stay in contact with one another. Prayer requests, events, inspirational messages, or even birthday wishes. Let us prayerfully stay connected.

4 Easy steps to success –
The process is quite simple

1.) All that we are and all that we do begins and ends with our Lord and Savior. We must visit Him often.

I encourage you to prayerfully make a plan to visit Jesus. Listen for His voice. Listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit who He left us to guide us and nurture us.

2.) Our parish school is need of your help. Our school may be small but has educated several young minds who have gone on to accomplish great things!

I ask that you prayerfully discern how you can help increase enrollment, and keep a struggling families’ kids students in a Catholic school. Most importantly what can you do to make a difference?

3.) We are the adopted sons and daughters of God. Through Him with Him and in Him we can accomplish great things.!

United as a community steeped in faith we can move mountains! If we truly seek to know the will of God, if we listen to the Holy Spirit, and follow His direction. We can not and will not fail!

4.) As we strive to become the best disciple we can be. Must work to become as virtuous as Jesus our Master.

For one to grow in the practice of living an intentionally virtuous life. We must start with the Four Cardinal Virtues. When we come to master these four all the other virtues will open up to us. Together let us grow in the practice of these four virtues.

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to respond to your message within three hours or less. Peace be with you!

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